Every dog owner, animal owner, and indeed every American should be aware that freedom, privacy and liberty are all at stake.
This goverment has a new an insidious plan to push the National Animal ID - aka NAIS - through the backdoor - and you will be alarmed - if not sickened - at the coercive tactics that the USDA - our goverment - is using against people, including manipulating children.
NAIS is a plan backed by giant agri-biz and chip manufacturers that demand the mandatory microchipping of all "livestock" animals and the mandatory registration of your premises in a federal database if you own a"livestock" animal - even if it's just one - one chicken, one horse, one goat, etc.
Under NAIS - animals must all be chipped, and you must report to the government when you leave your premises with your animal, report the birth, death etc. of your animals - so that the goverment can track you and your animals movements.
While the initial NAIS rollout is for "livestock", ALL pet owners should read this with the knowledge that dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and all other domestic pets are not excluded from National Animal ID. That's because after contacting the USDA several times, they have refused to rule out the future inclusion of pets in the NAIS plan.
This "new" version of NAIS will still use mandatory microchipping as the means to conduct mass surveillance of animal owners and their movements - and that what you do with your animal, where you go with your animal, and who you associate with will be tracked by the government.
Dr. Mary Zanoni, the author of the paper below, is one of the country's leading authoirities on NAIS - National Animal ID. She is also an attorney that has served the U.S. Attorney's Office. This is not theroy - nor is it conjecture.
Mandatory microchipping of pets is already in place in Europe, Asia and in parts of South America -The key difference is that we live in a democracy, and surveillence of citizens violates civil liberties.
When you are done reading this piece, contact your state and congressional representatives and let them know that their support or opposisiton NAIS will impact how you will vote in the next election.
The USDA’s New Strategy for NAIS and a New Texas Program of Cattle “Tuberculosis ID Requirements” Effective October 13, 2007
by Mary-Louise Zanoni
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